Q友地带 > QQ网名 > 英文网名 > 英文伤感网名带翻译女生版


归属:英文网名 来源:https://www.qzby.com 时间:2016-08-26


   In the heart in ghosts | 心里有鬼

  Support you | 支持你

  The years long | 岁月长

  Time to catch | 岁月赶

  Read a heaven | 一念天堂

  Read a hell | 一念地狱

  Eyebrow bend | 眉弯

  The westerly thin | 西风瘦

  Ten years trace | 十年踪迹

  To review | 重新审视

  Illness and old | 生老病死

  Joys and sorrows | 喜怒哀乐

  Have this life | 有今生

  No engaged | 无下世

  Allows any | 谢却荼蘼

  Drank Drank Drunk | 千杯不醉


  英文伤感网名带翻译 女生版

  Shell | 躯壳

  Taught | 倚恃

  Absurd years | 荒唐岁月

  Across the oceans | 漂洋过海

  Wait for | 静候

  Yee you life | 绮游浮生

  Greying at the temples | 两鬓斑白

  Everything changes | 万物皆变

  In-law | 促膝长谈

  Rain hand to review | 覆手为雨

  I know so | 知我如此

  I pray you be not angry | 将子无怒

  Moonlight like water | 月明如水

  Coincidence | 巧合

  And I often in | 与我常在

  Guard you | 佑你

  Turn the hands as clouds | 翻手为云

  The thin clothes | 衣裳薄

  Wind and rain in | 风雨急

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