Q友地带 > QQ说说 > 伤感 > 有时爱情是朵含蓄的花,需要时间才会怒放。


归属:伤感 来源:https://www.qzby.com 时间:2016-01-01

 what a loveiy world it well be with you away.

Because when young, with a total want of good in the future.
Who gives us meet but not concurrently give us forever.
 是谁赐我们遇见 却不一并赠我们永远。
I'm leaving you because you never asked me to stay.
 我正在离去,因为, 你从未开口要求我留下。
Life doesn't get easier, you just get stronger.
Happy, is looks for a warm person for a lifetime.

what a loveiy world it well be with you away.


The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook
Friendship often ends in love, but love, in friendship never
If I say leave me alone, actually I need you more than at any time
When it has is lost, brave to give up.
If just like why inflated into love.
I love you not for who you are, but for who I am before you.
I always love to see the traces of time squat down, like the line by line through my memory. Ants
 我总是爱蹲下来看地上时光的痕迹,像一行一行蚂蚁穿越我的记忆 。
Every time you come to my mind, I realize I'm smiling.
I don't have the strenghth to stay away from you anymore.
I'm afraid I can not catch you, just leave me alone.
Back to have in the past, returned to the original.
I just need someone who never lets me down。
Day after day. And you separate days every day.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
sometime affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossom
Everyone has someone in their life that keeps them looking forward to the next day
The most qmainful distance, you are not with me but in my heart.

I Want happiness , Be you give a care。

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